“在美国,任何人不得, 以性别为基础, 被排除在…之外, 被剥夺…的利益, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance…”


Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a Federal civil rights law that prohibits sex discrimination at educational institutions that receive federal funding. 根据第九条,性别歧视包括基于性别的骚扰.


  • 口头或书面骚扰
  • 性侵犯,包括强奸和其他非自愿的性接触
  • 跟踪(以性为基础)
  • 约会或家庭暴力

Schools are legally required to respond to and remedy hostile educational environments. 如果做不到这一点,学校可能会面临失去联邦资金和美国政府资助的风险.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR) ensures compliance with Title IX.

The 德克萨斯南方大学 第九条办公室 (“OTIX”) is pleased to offer resources which provide support to any student, faculty, or staff member of the institution who has been affected by an incident of sexual or gender-based harassment or misconduct. 

You do not have to file a formal report or press criminal charges to receive assistance. Whether you are looking for counseling and emotional support; academic, housing, or work accommodations; or to learn more about reporting and investigations, your campus Resource Person can help you find the resources that best fit your individual situation.


  • 通知教员学生缺勤或旷工
  • 提倡任务或截止日期的灵活性
  • Making referrals to resources both on and off campus to meet an individual’s needs of personal health, safety, and security
  • Assisting parties in understanding the complaint and grievance process from start to finish
  • 联络投诉人及答辩人与大学提供的顾问, 如果需要的话


1972年教育修正案第九条(“第九条”),20 U.S.C. §1681 et seq., is a Federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on sex—including pregnancy and parental status—in educational programs and activities. Pregnancy and pregnancy-related conditions protected by Title IX consist of the student’s pregnancy, childbirth, 终止妊娠, lactation, 以及与这些相关的医疗状况或从中恢复.

  • Reasonable modifications may be offered to allow a pregnant student to participate in educational activities, so long as these accommodations do not result in a fundamental alteration of an educational program/activity or impose an undue burden on TSU.
  • A student’s absences that are medically necessary due to pregnancy will be excused like any other excused absence so long as the required documentation is provided. Students are still expected to make up any academic requirements by their academic program’s policies.
  • A student may take a voluntary leave of absence due to pregnancy or pregnancy-related conditions under TSU’s Leave of Absence Policy for a minimum period a licensed healthcare provider deems medically necessary, 如果学校政策允许,时间可以延长. 该学生将被恢复到相同的学术地位(和课外地位), (在可行的范围内)何时开始休假. 对于某些专业学校, 由于课程的性质和临床经验, a student may not be able to start back in the same semester where they left off but may need to take the course at the next course offering. 这可能会导致程序完成的延迟.
  • There may be certain circumstances where a student does not qualify for a voluntary leave of absence under TSU’s Leave of Absence Policy. In such an event, the student should work with their college to determine whether they qualify for an administrative break in enrollment under their specific college policy.
  • 正在哺乳的学生将被提供一个保险箱, clean, 不是洗手间的私人空间. Options for making up academic requirements and for temporary modifications vary depending on the student’s academic program requirements, 学生怀孕相关需要的时间和持续时间, 和学术要求的性质(s)遗漏. 照顾伴侣/配偶, childcare, 或婴儿亲密关系并不是第九条规定的修改的理由. 




Documentation must be provided by a licensed healthcare provider who is not a family member of the student. 考虑到怀孕的性质和相关情况, 医疗文件可反映预期的需求(例如.g., 预计交货/终止日期, 或预期的例行约会), 正在进行的功能需求(e.g., 床靠背的需求, lactation needs, 流动性或地理限制), 以及最近过去的医疗紧急情况(例如.g.早产、因并发症而意外住院等.). 虽然没有提交文件或要求修改的最后期限, documentation should be submitted as soon as reasonably possible to maximize the options available to the student as the academic opportunities may be limited in some circumstances. Pregnancy-related documentation may be submitted by a student who is a birthparent or a non-birthparent. Still, the pregnancy-related medical necessity for absences and/or limitations must be documented for the student seeking reasonable modification(s). Sufficient medical information must be provided by a licensed healthcare provider to enable the Title IX Coordinator to reasonably determine the nature, date, time, 以及任何医学上必要的与妊娠相关的功能性缺勤的持续时间, need, or limitation.

Please secure documentation from your physician of your pregnancy-related medical condition and make sure that your physician explains how it is connected to your pregnancy and how. 另外,请在这个上面签名 Medical Release 为第九条协调员,博士. 辛西娅·巴克利的电话. Documentation must be on the letterhead or the prescription pad of the licensed care provider and must reflect the following: 

  • 持牌护理提供者的姓名和签名 
  • 被护理人员看到的学生姓名/请求修改的学生姓名 
  • 证明怀孕/父母身份 
  • 预计交货日期(或程序/终止日期) 
  • 签发文件的日期 
  • Medical necessity/relation to pregnancy: sufficient information to indicate why the absence, need, or limitation is both medically necessary for the student and relates to the pregnancy. 
  • Nature of absence, medical need, or functional limitation(s): sufficient information to verify how the pregnancy or related condition prevents the student from fully participating in their education. 
  • Date, time, and duration of absence or functional limitation due to the medically necessary pregnancy-related condition. 
  • Modifications requested: the nature of the modifications or accommodations being requested by the student to be able to participate in their education.


Title IX Resource Information

非保密校园资源  Close
  • 大学公共安全/警察- 713.313.7000(校内)或拨打911(校外)
  • 居住生活和住房/713.313.7206
  • 学生主任——713.313.1038
  • 学生行为- 713.313.1038
保密校园资源  Open
执法协助  Open
Non-Campus资源  Open
休斯顿市卫生和医疗救助中心  Open
休斯敦市危机干预/个人心理健康  Open
国家资源  Open

OTIX努力提供公平, equitable, 以及为投诉人提供个别支援, Respondents, 以及受第九条相关事宜影响的证人. OTIX is able to refer individuals to critical resources on campus and in the community, 这包括转介到机密资源.

有关支持资源的更多信息,请发送电子邮件  titleix@elahomecollection.com